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Forever Loved Golden Delicious, F, BSH ny 25, 8/23/21, SE/NO
Printer Friendly | Generations: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Inbreeding = 0.0% | Test mate
Inbreeding calculated based on 30 ancestors (30 unique) of 30 possible, 4 complete generations out of 4
Dutchess Bohemian Rhapsody, BLH ny 25, 1/12/19
Golden Xorro von den Lieben Seelchen, BLH ny 25, 8/8/13
CH Brahms von den Lieben Seelchen, BLH ns 11 33
GIC Voltaire von Westhausen, BSH ny 11, DE/-
CH High Hesket's Silver Unique, BLH ns 11
CH Golden Allegra vom Wuschelohr, BLH ny 25
Golden Gaucho D'Oaxaca, BLH ny 11, DE/-
Lotta of Sunnyland, BSH ny 25
Holygateway's Cherie Currie, BLH ns 11, 8/13/17, SE/-
Nektar Mortishia, BSH ns 11, 1/28/16
CH Bell Arden Tristan, BLH by 11, SK/-
CH Yavira Joanna, BLH ns 11, 7/27/11
Wonderbits Freia, BLH ns 11, 12/17/14, SE/-
MixedBeautief Sunshine, BLH ns 11, 5/30/13, SE/-
Dutchess Lady Starlight, BLH ns 11, 8/27/13
Forever Loved Darling Eleven, BSH ns 22 64, 3/13/19
GIC Forever Loved Yello[w], BSH ns 22 64, 4/8/15, SE/-
DSM DVM SC PR Bossche Bol de Broeckloni, BSH ns 22 64, 8/18/08, NL/SE
Bolle de Broeckloni, BSH ns 22 64
Balletje Balletje de Broeckloni, BSH ns 24 64, NL/-
Tabby Dream X-plosiveBeauty, BSH ns 64, 11/14/13, CH/-
IC Phantom del III Millennio, BSH ns 22 64, 10/10/09, IT/-
Vale of Proud's Little Miss Sunshine, BSH ns 22 64, 8/21/10
Vale of Proud's Mrs O, BSH ns 22 64, 3/30/17
Vale of Proud's Impossible, BSH ns 22 64
Brass Band de Broeckloni, BSH ns 22 64, NL/-
Vale of Proud's Rush Hour, BSH ns 22 64
Vale of Proud's Aliki, BSH ns 24 64, 6/13/14
Vale of Proud's Kalypso, BSH ns 22 64
Blondi de Broeckloni, BSH ns 24.64, NL/-

The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.