To Fugaku de Nekobaa, M, BLH ny 22, 5/10/22, FR/NO | |||
Printer Friendly | Generations:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Inbreeding = 0.0%
| Test mate
Inbreeding calculated based on 30 ancestors (30 unique) of 30 possible, 4 complete generations out of 4
| |||
Sire Xisobu Golden Arbor Vitae, BSH ny 22, 8/20/18 |
CH Lemurcat Yarik, BSH ny 11, RU/- |
Elisey Maxelpoint, BSH ny 11 33, RU/- |
Uil Grand Maxelpoint, BSH ny 25 |
Evlampiya MaxelPoint, BSH ny 25 |
Lemurcat Elfy, BLH ay 25, RU/- |
Fradges Mur Golden Foteh, BSH ay 25 |
Lemurcat Joy, BLH ay 11 , RU/- |
Forztasella Golden Arbor itae, BSH ay 11 |
IC Fradges Mur Golden Xandr, BSH ny 25, 12/31/11, RU/- |
EC Magnitka Star Baron, BSH ny 22, RU/- |
CH Eternal Flame of Golden Flame, BSH ny 25 |
Fradges Mur Golden Julie, BSH ny 22 |
Du Blue D'Or Argentin Nuance's Golden Galio, BSH ny 24, 9/3/09 |
CH Fradges Mur Golden Xenia, BSh ny 11 |
Dam Novagold Zenoba, BSH n 22, 8/4/20 |
Noble Teddy House Richard, BSH ny 22, 4/24/19 |
Lemurcat Marquis, BLH ny 11 33, 8/8/17, RU/- |
Lemurcat Chocolate Cappuccino, BSH ny 25, RU/- |
Lemurcat Gulya, BSH ny 11, RU/- |
Noble Teddy House L*Yasmina, BSH ny 12 |
CH Noble Cats G'Neill, BSH ny 12 |
Noble Cats H*Olimpia, BSH ny 11 33 |
Bell Arden Vanille, BSH ny 11 33, 8/20/16, SK/- |
Rainbow Golden Summer of Golden Flame, BLH ny 21 33, 11/26/14 |
Flying Magic Blue Santiago of Golden Flame, BSH ay 11, 8/28/10 |
Tiffany's Tosca, PER ny 21 33 |
Bell Arden Felice, BSH ny 11, SK/- |
Golden Xmas aus Curbechi, BSH ny 12, 8/10/11 |
Trinity del Lago Incantato, BSH ny 11, 4/12/12, IT/- |
The correctness of this pedigree is not guaranteed.